Homosexual parents and parents living together do not reach the pass mark according to paediatricians
Here are the results of two different surveys taken on cases by paediatricians to show the psychoaffective impact on minors with different parenting and family models. The paediatricians were asked if, accsording to their knowledge and professional experience, they thought it right that homosexual couples should adopt of foster minors. In the case of adoption, 85% of the paediatricians were against while 75% were against in the case of fostering. From another survey, this time extended to pasdiatric nurses, the result showed that 73.5% of the operators believe that children prefer their parents to be married by church ceremony and/or civil ceremony. So the experts' view shows that in order to obtain a harmonious psychoaffective development in minors it is better to live within a traditional family. The results (from 73.5% to 85.25%)show that a great number of paediatricians agree on such choices and so take on the value of scientific evidence.
  • Prof.Italo Farnetani

    Prof.Italo Farnetani
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  • Prof.Italo Farnetani, all' Accademia Nazionale di Modena.

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